Assigned Projects

B Fed-CogLoad: Federated Cognitive Load Estimation Mattias Formo Martin Gjoreski March, 2023
B Analysis of Human Memory and Physiological Signals Andrea Prato Matías Laporte February, 2023
M User identification in real-world settings using w... Emilio Lingenthal Lidia Alecci January, 2023
B M U Privacy-aware Video-based Sensing for Affect Recog... Eleonora Bardelli Martin Gjoreski February, 2024
B Multimodal Federated Learning for Sensor Data Alessandro Gobbetti Martin Gjoreski February, 2023

Completed Projects

U Activity recognition using ear-worn sensors and machine lear... Davide Casnici Matías Laporte September, 2022
U Statistical Analysis for Affect and Learning in the LAUREAT... Cindy Guerrero Toro Matías Laporte September, 2022
B M U Explainable AI through counterfactual explanations Piotr Romashov Martin Gjoreski August, 2022
M Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) for human mobility tr... Ivan Fontana Martin Gjoreski July, 2022
B M U Privacy-aware human mobility modeling Jose Castro Elizondo Ezequiel Martin Gjoreski June, 2022
U Exploring LAUREATE- the Longitudinal multimodAl stUdent expe... Daniele Gasparini Matías Laporte June, 2022
B M U Deep learning models for human mobility modeling Roland Holenstein Martin Gjoreski June, 2021
M Physiological Synchrony and its Effects on Recall in Peer Me... Luca Albinati Matías Laporte March, 2021
B Creating an Experimental Apparatus for a Digital Health Lite... Robert Jans Marc Langheinrich January, 2021
M Personalized Shared Public Displays: Supporting Multi-user W... Filip Zivkovic Ivan Elhart September, 2018
U MoviePlus – A Platform for Sharing Digital Content For Aug... Bianca Stancu Anton Fedosov September, 2018
U Collaborative Economy Practices and Communities in Switzerla... Masako Kitazaki Anton Fedosov June, 2018
U Just Share It: A Decentralized Autonomous System to Support ... Egor Ermolaev Agon BexhetiAnton Fedosov May, 2018
M Evaluating Secure Personal Memory Sharing with Co-Located Pe... Jacob Jeyara Agon BexhetiEvangelos Niforatos February, 2018
B A Web-based Application for Visualizing Personal Memories Federico Pfahler Agon Bexheti February, 2018
M A tangible interface for controlling capture and sharing of ... Matteo Pontiggia Agon Bexheti September, 2017
M Investigating the dichotomy of sharing practices in virtual ... Jeremías Albano Anton Fedosov July, 2017
B Personalized Public Displays: Designing Interactive Display ... Francesco Saverio Zuppichini Ivan Elhart June, 2017
M Evaluating a Human Memory Augmentation App (RECALL.C) Matias Laporte Evangelos Niforatos June, 2017
M Attentive Public Displays: Understanding Audience Moving Pat... Cristian Gomez Mora Ivan Elhart September, 2016
U Roaming Objects – Object-encoded Digital Experiences Lucas Pennati Anton Fedosov August, 2016
B Public Displays for Monitoring and Improving Community Wellb... Matteo Piergiovanni Evangelos NiforatosIvan Elhart June, 2016
M WeatherUSI: Crowd Sourcing the Weather on Public Displays Ahmed Fouad Evangelos Niforatos January, 2016
B SmartHelmet: Using LIDAR sensing to alert skiers. Filippo Ferrario Evangelos Niforatos September, 2015
M A Classification Scheme of Lifelogging User Interfaces Daniel Cardozo Evangelos Niforatos September, 2015
U A Toolchain for Visual Memory Lucas Pennati Agon Bexheti August, 2015
U Co-Located AR Based Display Sharing Alexander North Anton Fedosov August, 2015
M Uncovering needs and requirements for data sharing activitie... Nadeen Alkaydi Anton Fedosov August, 2015
B Displays Mobile Application: A Mobile Interface for Customiz... Talal El Afchal Ivan Elhart June, 2015
B PulseCam: Capture your truly significant moments Christian Vuerich Evangelos Niforatos May, 2015
M NDA: Developing Networked Public Display Analytics Based on ... Miloš Nikolić Ivan Elhart September, 2014
M Reactive Displays: Supporting Dynamic Display Behavior Using... Alessandro Gusmeroli Ivan Elhart September, 2014
U Re-Live the Moment: Visualizing Run Experiences to Motivate ... Jesper Findahl Agon BexhetiEvangelos Niforatos August, 2014
M Shadow: An Application Selection Interface for Pervasive Pub... Federico Scacchi Ivan Elhart August, 2014
B Tacita-Mobile: Controlling Content Presentation on Personali... Mattia Candeloro Ivan Elhart June, 2012
B USIDisplays: Designing a Multi-Application Display Experienc... Marcello Romanelli Ivan Elhart June, 2012
M A Crowd-Sensor for Context-Aware Public Displays Pietro Formenti Ivan Elhart September, 2011
B FunSquare: The Community Interface Andrea Michelotti Ivan ElhartNemanja Memarovic June, 2011
B FunSquare: The Fun Fact Generator Thomas Selber Ivan ElhartNemanja Memarovic June, 2011
B FunSquare: The Context Collector Matteo Bellan Ivan Elhart June, 2011
B Table Tennis Paddle Detection Library for Microsoft Kinect Fabio Rambone Randolf Schärfig June, 2011
B Public Reactive Displays Federico Caputo Nemanja Memarovic September, 2010
M Transformers for human mobility modeling Riccardo Corrias Martin Gjoreski
M Counterfactual Explanations for Unsupervised Learning Aurora Spagnol Martin Gjoreski
M Affect and Learning in the LAUREATE Dataset Enqi Fu Matías Laporte