Student Projects

Embodied Large Language Models for Personalized Meeting Summarization

Type: Bachelor Master UROP
Status: Available

The rapid advancement of pervasive systems and wearables has paved the way for personal informatics systems, e.g., personal assistants and chatbots. Such systems gear towards enhancing users’ productivity in both work setting and personal life. In work settings, users leverage personal informatics systems in managing their tasks, tracking their progress and scheduling their meetings.

Meetings are crucial for communication, decision-making, and brainstorming. The effectiveness of meetings relies on participants’ ability to remember key topics, often using meeting minutes or notes as memory cues. However, this approach is time-consuming, demands high attention levels, and may lead to varied perceptions among participants, causing a lack of synchronization.

In this project, we aim at developing a personalized meeting summarization tool that aims at optimizing the meeting experience. The proposed tool integrates users’ affection from wearables with large language models, e.g., ChatGPT.

This project is available as a MSc thesis, as a BSc thesis, or as a UROP internship project.

For more information contact: Nouran AbdalazimSilvia Santini