Our Research

Smart Sensing Systems
Miniature sensors promise to revolutionize the way our systems can understand our current context..

Human Computer Interaction
Computer systems must be useful, usable, and attractive to use. How can we design them in this fashion?

Security and Privacy
How can we ensure personal data is used in accordance with one’s preferences?

Mobile and Wearable Systems
What are effective and efficient ways to build and maintain mobile and wearable systems?
Upcoming Events

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Spring Semester AY20/21 has started!
Spring semester has started, and the team is busy teaching various classes: Silvia is teaching Computer Networking (BSc) (with Matìas as a TA) and...
Martin to win Jožef Stefan Prize!
Our very own Martin Gjoreski just received the Slovenian “Jožef Stefan Prize” for outstanding PhD thesis! Up to 3 such awards are given annually for...
Online Info Week Presentations
USI's Master Info Week gives students the opportunity to discover the Master programs offered by USI in complete safety. The virtual event will take...
Recent Publications