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Software Atelier 2: Human Computer Interaction | People-Centered Computing @ USI Lugano

Software Atelier 2: Human Computer Interaction

Goal of the course is to provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge of human-centered design of interfaces for computing systems.

The course starts with an introduction to ethics that investigates the many ways and venues information and communication technologies can be used maliciously. The course moves on to introduce the concept of user-centred design to produce usable, useful and used tools. The different stages from ideation to paper prototyping are covered in theory and practice.

Teaching Mode

Theoretical concepts will be provided through instructor-led lectures. Theory will be put to good use in practice, by letting students engage in group work to deliver a project, developed through progressive stages of design and prototyping.


ClassSemesterInstructorTeaching Assistant(s)
Software Atelier II 2023 Spring
Software Atelier II 2022 Spring
Software Atelier II 2021 Spring
Software Atelier II 2020 Spring
Software Atelier II 2019 Spring

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Computing Group

Profs. S. Santini and M. Langheinrich
Università della Svizzera italiana (USI)
Faculty of Informatics
Via G. Buffi 13
6900 Lugano, Switzerland