Student Projects

MoviePlus – A Platform for Sharing Digital Content For Augmented Reality Displays

Status: Completed September 2018
Student: Bianca Stancu

Nowadays people are using tablets, laptops and various digital devices to work collaboratively on the same project while being present physically or remotely. Imagine to work on the same design or analytical task, or just simply watch an entertaining video using Google Glass. Annotating and interacting with virtual content became a daily activity of many architects, engineers, designers, artists, etc. We offer a student to join on exciting opportunity to design a prototype, which enables digital content sharing and interaction in Augmented Reality. The student design and develop the shared movie viewing system using VideoPlus, a platform for augmented video content (

We propose to use the combination of a head-mounted display (e.g., iPhone X/ Pixel 2 with Daydream or Microsoft Hololens) and a wrist-worn controller (e.g., Apple Watch) to develop an interactive system, which would enable tagging favorite scenes, sharing subtitles, sending ephemeral messages among viewers and/or taking collaborative trivia quizzes. We envision prototyping on the mobile device as part of the project work, so we would encourage students with iOS/Android or C#/C++ development skills to apply. Ultimately, we would like to conduct controlled experiments to evaluate a designed system.

This project is hosted by Faculty of Informatics and Institute of Computational Science. Thus, the student will be co-supervised by the responsible investigators from both sides.

For more information contact: Anton Fedosov