Student Projects

Smart Group Activity Journal – Creating an Automated Activity Feed for Outdoor Sports (SHA21.D)

Status: Draft

Skiing and snowboarding are highly social activities. Winter enthusiasts capture and share vast amount of pictures and videos during outdoor vacations. To support information exchange among groups of skiers and snowboarders, this project seeks to create a semi-automated group activity journal. The journal would be automatically shared among group members with an option to grant access to external observers who want to follow a particular participant or the entire group in near real time. The student should implement an app that allows one to both post to and visualize a shared “event stream”. Events posted should be supported with a simple plug-in system, e.g., one could imagine a “slope tracker” that posts to the stream whenever one has finished a ski run. Types of content added to the shared stream should include, but are not limited to (1) a pin on a map with geolocation information to setup a meeting point while on the slope; (2) captured media content (photos, videos, an optional live-stream) of the run; (3) reference information in a form of text necessary for descent (e.g., the time left until sunset, the operational hours of a ski lift at a particular location, conditions of the slope with detailed information about potential hazards during descent). Following the recent trend in instant messaging services such as Snapchat or iMessage, where a message can expire after some time, optionally one would be able to associate an expiration tag to any events added to the feed. An additional smartwatch interface should support quick entry of items, e.g., one could post a “hazard” on the slopes by selecting a hazard type and the system automatically adding time and location. The shared activity journal will be hosted on a central server and will be accessible by group participants or observers through the app. An optional integration with an optical head-mounted display for augmented reality (RideOn, Recon Snow 2) is encouraged. Intermediate to strong iOS/Android programming skills required, strong Web programming skills an asset. Hardware such as a smartphone, smartwatch, and augmented reality gear will be provided.

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